Dagger in hand

A man of prodigious fortune, coming to add his opinion to some light discussion that was going on casually at his table, began precisely thus: "It can only be a liar or an ignoramus who will say otherwise than," and so on. Pursue that philosophical point, dagger in hand.

--Michel de Montaigne, Of the art of discussion.

Stab back: cmnewman99-at-yahoo.com


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Monday, November 29, 2004
Tell that to Anna Nicole

Smirking aside, I think Randy deserves some kind of most cunning oralist award for this exchange in the Raich argument

Barnett: The point is that economic activity and personal liberty are two different categories.

Souter: That is not a very realistic premise.

Barnett: The premise is that it is possible to differentiate economic activity from personal activity. Prostitution is economic activity, and there may be some cross substitution effects between prostitution and sex within marriage, but that does not make sex within marriage economic activity.
Beautifully done. Now let's hope that the Chief is truly able to participate in this decision, and that he wants to end his career by fulfilling his federalism revolution rather than by scotching it.

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